Hello Men! Welcome to the Regular Man Ministry Blog!

Christian Devotionals and Blogs for the Regular Everyday Man

Regular Man Ministry is exactly what the name says: a ministry for the regular everyday guy. You won’t get the feel-good Joel Osteen life coach or Benny Hinn pretend profit crap here. No fluff, no Health Wealth and Prosperity garbage, no pretention, and no excuses. Simply authentic Christian teaching for real men. I absolutely will be speaking about religion, politics, civic engagement, history, gender, and ethics. So, if you are uber sensitive and would like to stay in a safe space with your skinny jeans and man bun, get in your Subaru and leave. This isn’t the site for you. At RegularManMinistry we love law enforcement, we love the military, we love America, and most of all we love Jesus.

Full Disclosure

I am no pastor and I have no church. Additionally, you will find I certainly don’t act, speak, or teach like one. I don’t have the patience or the personality for all that. I have studied Scripture for decades and received my Bachelors of Science in Religion and Theology from Liberty University, summa cum loude. But, I didn’t do all that for a piece of paper to frame and hang on my wall or to brag. I got my degree for me. For my faith. And for my own conviction in the answers I found for the “Big Questions” of life. For the questions that keep us up at night because of a deployment, terminal diagnosis, divorce, addiction or the mounting pressures of everyday life that can cause us to simply crack one day. I’ll get to all that eventually, but for my first blog post, I simply want you to know what to expect.

What to Expect

I do not have an agenda and I’m not selling anything. I am just like you, a regular man with everyday issues. I’m not trashing local churches. They are necessary. It’s true, we need local churches, pastors, preachers, priests, elders, deacons, and all of the other components that make up a local Christian congregation. However, these local churches all have bills to pay. Those are real concerns, and, again, I am not trying to bag on the church. I have bills to pay too. I have a mortgage, five mouths to feed, and all the obligations that accompany being a tax-payer, husband, and father. But, additional local church financial obligations tend to… influence, sermons on Sundays and greatly reduce accountability for fear of offending and losing church members. I do not have the obligation of church staff wages, a building mortgage, or building maintenance and utilities. In short, I have nothing that would keep me from being 100% real with you. And that is exactly what this blog is about.

What’s On Here and Where is It?

RegularManMinistry.com is all about real-speak to real men. Period. In addition to the RegularManMinistry Blog, you will find an archive of Devotionals to read, a gallery where you can upload your picture and social media link (seriously, no man buns), Q and A page where you can ask questions about Christianity, theology, church history, or just about anything you can imagine, and can also subscribe at the bottom of this page for new devotionals and blogs. Of course, you can always donate to Regular Man Ministry on the donation page to help pay for the website. However, prayer is always the best support you can give.

So, thank you for hanging out and reading this. If you ever have a question about my blogs or devotionals, just ask. Share on social media and come back for new content! God bless.